Unusual atomic vibrations in a crystalline structure explain potential solid-state battery material’s superionic transport abilities
Innovative manufacturing technique can create new types of microparticles for applications such as drug delivery, diagnostics and tissue engineering
With more than $6 million in funding, Tatiana Segura will explore how to use biomaterials to heal damaged brain tissue after stroke and skin tissue after injury
Cate Brinson achieved a lot of firsts in her career but still wishes for greater parity between men and women who earn engineering degrees.
A simple question about glass leads to a complex challenge for researchers
Polymers Mechanoacid polymer signals a smash hit Stress-induced acid formation shows location and timing of damage
Trapping adenosine at the site of a bone break speeds recovery in mice
Computational models created by Duke Engineers help researchers probe the properties of a new class of hybrid perovskite materials
A Moore Inventor Fellowship is supporting a Duke engineer in her quest to develop a small, inexpensive hyperspectral camera
Design would enable thermophotovoltaic devices that convert waste heat to electricity
Collaborative work on “Designing Materials that Revolutionize and Engineer our Future” now totals more than $7.5 million
An expert in organic polymer chemistry, Matthew Becker’s research is focused on developing bioactive polymers for regenerative medicine and drug delivery
Mitzi recognized for revolutionary materials science work in energy applications
ASCR received 75 proposals and awarded computer time at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center to ten research teams.