Unusual atomic vibrations in a crystalline structure explain potential solid-state battery material’s superionic transport abilities
Cartilage provides a combination of cushiony-yet-strong that hydrogels haven't been able to match, until now
CEE PhD student Imari Walker Karega wants the public to understand why environmental engineering research is important to daily life
Engineers develop first tunable, chip-based vortex microlaser and detector, providing a new route to increasing the bandwidth of fiber optic communications
Researchers use plasmonics to enhance fluorescent markers in lab-on-a-chip diagnostic devices
Passive method for locating and characterizing radio waves could lead to cameras that can capture images using ambient radio waves
The primary goal of the group is to facilitate association and communication between students and faculty members working in materials science
Having dinner delivered is one thing these days; home delivery of electron microscope images is quite another.
Through strong networks connecting students, faculty and staff across Duke, a team has mobilized to engineer solutions to problems created by the pandemic
May 18, 1-2 p.m. via Zoom The next book: Structured Fluids: Polymers, Colloids,...
Five Duke professors with demonstrated excellence in research and undergraduate instruction have been selected as the 2020 Bass Fellows
Duke chemist is searching for materials that allow engineers to build electronics which could open the door to faster computing, increased data storage and even entirely new kinds of technology
Celldom’s microfluidics imaging technology pinpoints drug-resistant cells
Duke Engineers join class of 29 Distinguished Professorships announced by Duke this year
The magnetic transition of troilite causes instabilities in the “space metal’s” structure that transforms it from a conductor to an insulator
Competitive five-year grant will support creation of computational models and software to help innovators disrupt various markets through 3D-printed products