New Wilkinson Building Adds 150k Square Feet to Advance Research and Education

Duke Engineering’s building fosters collaboration with research neighborhoods, dedicated entrepreneurial space and student hands-on learning labs

New Wilkinson Building Adds 150k Square Feet to Advance Research and Education
The Environment Research Neighborhood on the second floor of the Wilkinson Building brings together researchers focused on environmental health and sustainability, such as DMI faculty member Claudia Gunsch, associate vice provost for faculty advancement and professor of civil and environmental engineering, at left and in this video.

After years of planning and construction, Duke Engineering opened the new Wilkinson Building for Spring 2021 classes. The 150,000-square-foot Wilkinson Building sits at the intersection of the Schools of Engineering, Medicine and Arts & Sciences just steps from Duke’s historic West Campus.

With three floors bringing together faculty focused on health, computing and the environment, and a location that fosters cross-campus collaborations, the Wilkinson Building promises to accelerate advances in engineering and interdisciplinary research. It expands student engineering space by more than 50 percent with a design that meets the needs of our highly collaborative, hands-on and entrepreneurial educational programming.

The added space in the new Wilkinson Building enabled many DMI faculty to move from other existing buildings to co-locate for easier collaboration and sharing of equipment and resources.

Wilkinson as proxy for Computing Neighborhood
The Computing/AI Neighborhood on the fourth floor enables researchers and students to problem-solve together amid natural light and a view of the iconic Duke Chapel.
wilkinson025 - Segura Lab
The Alan L. and Carol M. Kaganov Health Neighborhood on the third floor of the Wilkinson Building brings together interdisciplinary researchers whose work seeks to improve human health, such as in the lab above of DMI faculty member Tatiana Segura, professor of biomedical engineering.


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