Research Interests
Exploring novel collective phenomena in quantum materials by means of neutron and x-ray scattering techniques; Investigating quantum critical phenomena at extreme environmental conditions of ultra-low temperature, high magnetic field, and high pressure; Materials by Design: synthesis, single crystal growth and characterization of correlated electron systems, quantum magnets, topological systems, metal-organic frameworks, and high-temperature superconductors.
Experimental Condensed Matter / Quantum Materials
- B.S. McMaster University (Canada), 2003
- M.S. McMaster University (Canada), 2005
- Ph.D. McMaster University (Canada), 2010
- William M. Fairbank Associate Professor of Physics
- Associate Professor of Physics
- Assistant Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Associate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award. ORAU. 2017
Courses Taught
- PHYSICS 670: Experimental Methods in Condensed Matter Physics
- PHYSICS 516: Quantum Materials: Introduction to Solid State Physics
- PHYSICS 495: Thesis Independent Study
- PHYSICS 493: Research Independent Study
- PHYSICS 362D: Electricity and Magnetism
- ME 591: Research Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Material Science
In the News
- What Cooking Shows and Physics Labs Have in Common (Sep 8, 2023 | PBS North Carolina)
- Cooking Up Frustrated Magnets in Search of Superconductivity (Jun 12, 2017 | Duke Research Blog)
- From Frustration to Discovery (Feb 17, 2017 | Fields Magazine, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Sara Haravifard: Physicist Learning About Magnetic Moments (Oct 8, 2015)
Representative Publications
- Steinhardt, William M., Zhenzhong Shi, Anjana Samarakoon, Sachith Dissanayake, David Graf, Yaohua Liu, Wei Zhu, Casey Marjerrison, Cristian D. Batista, and Sara Haravifard. “Constraining the Parameter Space of a Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate in Applied Field with Iterative Optimization.” Phys. Rev. Research 3 (February 20, 2019): 033050.